Welcome to our 5th grade forum 2014-2015


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No New Posts Vocabulary

Vocabulary words:

define the words. know synonyms and antonyms for each

14 14 贷款将无法支付这意味着客户的钱只
by account_disabled
Apr 17, 2024 4:47:15 GMT

Scheduled tests and quizzes

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No New Posts Tests and Quizzes

Spelling Test on Wednesday

Vocabulary quiz on Thursday

3 3 在不同平台上以多種方式與您的品
by averill23
Apr 17, 2024 5:07:12 GMT


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No New Posts Weekly Writing Assignment

Gloria and Leo made Peter feel like he was loved. Write a description of how they did this. What makes you feel loved? Write about what people do for you that make you feel you are cared for.

This assignment is due posted to the WIKI by Wednesday before school.

1 1 engliah
by aziz
Apr 13, 2016 17:18:11 GMT


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No New Posts Spelling List


Spelling test on Wednesday

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Weekly Homework

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No New Posts This week's homework

Sunday - read or review chapters 11-12 of Magician's elephant

Review vocabulary words.

Tuesday - read or review Chapter 13-14 of Magician's Elephant. answer the questions in your reading journal.

Prepare for the Spelling Test

Wednesday - read or review Chapter 11-15 of Magician's Elephant. Answer the questions in your reading journal

prepare for the vocabulary quiz tomorrow

Wiki Response is due by Wednesday morning

4 4 是一款引起了智能手机用
by angelrina77
Mar 21, 2024 3:43:06 GMT


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No New Posts This week's news

Hi Students and Parents,
I hope you are enjoying the new novel we are reading: The Magician's Elephant is an exciting book by the author of Because of Winn Dixie. Be sure to complete the homework from the book each night.

We are working very hard on becoming better writers. We have begun an persuasive essay by writing our opinion on 4 different school related topics. This week we will work on making a strong statement in our introduction.

Best Regards,

Mrs. VanEps

1 1 بلا
by هذه
Apr 21, 2015 9:31:32 GMT


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